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==== components: ====
|big tent for film, theater and discussion
|BK Linz can organise one tent with 8m x 4m and 2,8high and maybe a few red cross tents with 4x4m
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|'''Tents and Tarps'''
|'''Joe + Fritz'''<br>
1 tent 8m x 4m and 2,8 high for the workshop<br>
1 tent 6m x 6m for discussion/film etc<br>
Herbert (stagetrailer) for concerts and films?
|'''INFO Tent'''
| beamer + player
|'''Marianne, Reny'''<br>
info-point for the cyclocamp, info-material,
ams+shifts-scedules & mediation und UnterstützerInnen Gruppe / support group
UnterstützerInne Gruppe bis jetzt: marianne, reny, resi, ste. wir brauchen noch min. 3 andere personen! bitte melden!
| '''beamer + player (cinema)'''
|tent for work-shop
| '''oskar'''
|same like the tent for diskusssions but on the red cross tents is a caution of 50€
| '''Workshop'''
| tools, welding equipment
| falk + joe/ebli<br>
| BK Vienna BK Linz (with an construction site trailer where our workshop is inside)
BK Linz: construction site trailer where our workshop is inside<br>
BK Vienna: the whole workshop
| '''volxkitchen'''
| volxkitchen (tent, pots, pans, stove, perhaps even plates etc.)
| matz and harald and david want to help with equipment and knowledge <br>
| matz and harald and david want to help with equipment and knowledge <br>
(tent, pots, pans, stove, perhaps even plates etc.)
|'''raw material'''
|raw material
|bayer-bill (o-heim), bk linz
|bayer-bill (o-heim), bk linz
|'''stage & sound'''
|stage & sound
|contact: joe/ebli - bk linz; gigi - koma o_heim
- bk linz; gigi - koma o_heim
''<br />do we need/want any soundmobile? I cannot estimate how large the area is, whether it is possible/useful do have more than one sound system, not for concerts but for daytime music. we should not forget all the cables for various input devices (klinke 2.5, 3.5, 6,35, cinch, perhaps even - in connection with a computer - usb, firewire.. - perhaps a microphone for whatever) -- johannes@bkvienna''
| '''bar'''
| refrigerators 
| '''BerIng''' <br>
| thor-brewery o-heim - bernd
thor bräu in Ottensheim will provide most of necessary beverages (beer, wine, water) ''plus benches & beer tap and fridges? --johannes@bkvienna''
| beer
| contact: berIng (thor bräu)
|other alc-drinks:
| '''medical equipment'''
| anti-alc (soft drinks from local farmers)
| '''sebastian (bk vienna)'''
| '''fire-wood'''
| medical equipment
| '''zwilli''' (bk vienna)
| sebastian (bk vienna)
|'''merch etc'''
| fire-wood
|johannes bk vienna<br />
| zwilli (bk vienna)
j. will pack some merch things (everybody else from other workshops is invited to bring their stuff as well of course!), banners, perhaps some lights, bungee stuff - will talk with other people from bkvienna
=== tools for woodwork ===
'' tools for woodwork''
* chainsaw (zwilli?)
* chainsaw (zwilli)
* buzz saw (kreissäge)
* buzz saw (kreissäge)
* handsaw (Max)
* handsaw (Max)
* stemmeisen
* stemmeisen
=== other tools ===
'' other tools ''
* leiter (max)
* leiter (max)
* seile (alle)
* seile
* 50m Starkstromkabel (BKL, Stefan FK Graz)  
* 50m Starkstromkabel (Stefan FK Graz)
* verteiler 400V auf 230V (Stefan FK Graz)
* verteiler stark auf 230V (Stefan FK Graz)
* 230V Kabeltrommeln (Max, BK, alle)
* 230V Kabeltrommeln (Max, BK, alle)
* Planen (BK, Max, BKL, alle)
* Planen (BK, Max, BKL, alle)
* Schubkarre (max, Zwilli)
* Schubkarre (max, Zwilli?)
* Bretter (alle)
* Bretter (alle)
* Paletten (alle)
* Paletten (alle)
* 100m flexible tube (max ~50m)
=== stuff from bk vienna - besides bike workshop ===
*Merch: T-Shirts, sonstiges Gewand. Buttons, Flyer, Patches, Sticker
** Jousting (Pokal, Lanzen, Protektoren)
** Bungee (Schlaeuche, Pokal, Rad)
** Polo (baelle, tore, schlaeger)
** Bowling (??? heini fragen)
*Strom-Zeug (Verlaengerungskabel, Verteiler, Sicherungen, Phasenpruefer, Sicherungskastenschluessel)
*Lichterketten/Scheinwerfer/Neonroehren (?Fassungen?)
*internat. Woerterbuecher
*Polizze/Vereinsoffizielleszeug  (Bernd)
*Laminiergeraet(e) und Folien
*wasserschlauch und kupplungen
*USB internet modem
*Leintuch als Leinwand
*Siebdruckzeug (Resi&Ali?)
* fahnen und banner
* soundmobil(e)?
* farben / spraydosen
* stoffe zum vernähen und bedrucken, für fahnen und banner
* recycling material für workshops - schläuche, mäntel, metallschrott...
* Gaffer/duct tape
stuff which would be nice but BK vienna doesnt have
== other things we should think about ==
* Volleyballnetz (dort gibts 2(?) beachvolleyballplaetze!) und ball
* waste avoidance(?) and separation (quite connected to VoKue/feeding as well as Comp Beverages: what kind of plates/beakers etc do we want to use)
* power and power distributors

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