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hi bikefreaks & bicyclefriends,  
hi bikefreaks & bicyclefriends,
The bikekitchen Vienna invites you to the 6th year of cyclocamp!
It will take place '''August 15th to 21st 2016''' in St. Pölten near Vienna (Austria) at the Sonnenpark Parque/LAMES grounds at [ Spratzerner Kirchenweg 81-83, 3100 St. Pölten]
What Cyclocamp is/wants to be/could be:
The bikekitchen Vienna invites you to the 6th cyclocamp!
Cyclocamp should provide DIY bicycle repair shops an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, learn from other non-commerical bicycle-projects and have fun together. We feel the need to (inter)connect with projects similar to ours, learn from other experiences and make friends for trips and other projects.
If you still can't imagine what it could be like, watch this for example (from first Cyclocamp):
it will take place 15th to 21st of August 2016 in St. Pölten near Vienna (Austria):
[ openstreetmap]
This year we also want to invite some other not-so-much-bicycle-related DIY projects. If you know of any interesting initiatives, feel free to invite them. Please also tell us if you already planned or have ideas for any workshops you would like to do/offer at CC (  
the cyclocamp should provide DIY bicycle repair shops with an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, learn from other non-commerical bicycle-projects and have fun together. we feel the need to
(inter)connect with projects similar to ours, learn from other
experiences and make friends for trips and other projects.
The festival should be completely self organized, there should be no "orga-team" providing all the necessary infrastructure or dominating the discourse.Bikekitchen Vienna just organizes basic infrastructure, the rest we do all together. It should also be as cheap as possible, no profit should be made. However, we have to pay a fee and a deposit for the festival area and will ask you for some financial support during the CC.
the festival should be completely self organized, there should be no
"orga-team" providing necessary infrastructure or dominating the
discourse and it should be as cheap as possible, no profit should be made.
At the festival area, we can provide camping space (the number of tents is limited, so please share tents), space for buses or vans (about 6), toilets and shower infrastructure. There are two buildings for workshops and party etc. Some groups already volunteered to provide gear for cooking and concerts and the bikekitchen Vienna will bring tools and equipment to build stuff and for workshops. At the moment we also host electronic infrastructure such as a mailinglist and wiki (  
we can provide a free festival area with camping, toilet and shower
infrastructure. some groups already volunteered to provide gear for
cooking and concerts and the bikekitchen Vienna will bring tools and
equipment to build stuff and for workshops. at the moment we also host
electronic infrastructure such as mailinglist and wiki.
Please write us ( if you are interested to come, if you have any questions or if you already know of a workshop or concert etc. you want to do at CC. Please distribute this invitation to people you know and could be interested.  
We hope that many of you bring their ideas, movies, polo-mallets, tallbikes, political motivations, gender-issues, favorite cooking-receipts and whatever you want to bring to the world to make it a better place with more fun and more bicycles.
Please bring videos, photos, zines, info material, stickers, patches, screen printing material etc. of your projects!!
please write us if you are interested to come and distribute this
invitation to people you know could be interested.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
looking forward to see you

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