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Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
2) The BK is progressive, processive, subversive, antisexist, anticommercial, anticompetitive, DIY (do it yourself)-based and self-empowering. The BK has an inductive-anarchistic approach, that means “bottom up” and refuses any attempts of overthrow on strict ideologies or any deductive-dogmatic aproaches.
2) The BK is progressive, processive, subversive, antisexist, anticommercial, anticompetitive, DIY (do it yourself)-based and self-empowering. The BK has an inductive-anarchistic approach, that means “bottom up” and refuses any attempts of overthrow on strict ideologies or any deductive-dogmatic aproaches.
3) The BK is oriented on the model of the bicycle (see § 4, sentence 4), this leads to the imperative mandate, the self-organized and free economy, the anti-hierarchic respectively minimal hierarchical organisation. This results from the study of the essence of the bicycle.
3) The BK is oriented on the model of the bicycle (see § 4, sentence 3), this leads to the imperative mandate, the self-organized and free economy, the anti-hierarchic respectively minimal hierarchical organisation. This results from the study of the essence of the bicycle.
4) Direct action and self-empowerment: Differently to person oriented and/or programm-based workshops, the BK rotates and strains its participants and ideas like spokes and axes. Ultimately it tries wherever there is a (bicycle-)problem to give practical help for selfhelp.
4) Direct action and self-empowerment: Differently to person oriented and/or programm-based workshops, the BK rotates and strains its participants and ideas like spokes and axes. Ultimately it tries wherever there is a (bicycle-)problem to give practical help for selfhelp.
Zeile 22: Zeile 22:
6a) Because the BK is anticompetitive and based on trust in each other, it excludes any racist or sexist behaviour. Making the access to the BK dependent on superficial attributes like origin, wealth or indigence, sex or gender-orientation is paradoxial in itself and contraproductive as such parameters can never be generally accepted and so have no true validness at all. Hence this kind of behavior is seen as operational disorder and will be treated as such.
6a) Because the BK is anticompetitive and based on trust in each other, it excludes any racist or sexist behaviour. Making the access to the BK dependent on superficial attributes like origin, wealth or indigence, sex or gender-orientation is paradoxial in itself and contraproductive as such parameters can never be generally accepted and so have no true validness at all. Hence this kind of behavior is seen as operational disorder and will be treated as such.
6b) Any packing order and alpha-(fe)male affectation contradicts the basic precepts of the BK (see § 4, sentence 4). Furthermore it harms the knowledge-transfer sincerely (see §1, sentence 5).
6b) Any packing order and alpha-(fe)male affectation contradicts the basic precepts of the BK (see § 4, sentence 3). Furthermore it harms the knowledge-transfer sincerely (see §1, sentence 5).
7) The BK is competitive in the sense of a lustfull skirmish, in the sence of humoristic challenging of bondaries, the refinement of extasy, the affirmation of living. For these reasons the BK cultures jousting, bicycle-tossing, bike-bungee, alley-cat, spoke-mikado, rodeo-bike, bicycle con- and destructing and the meditation on the nature of the bicycle itself.
7) The BK is competitive in the sense of a lustfull skirmish, in the sence of humoristic challenging of bondaries, the refinement of extasy, the affirmation of living. For these reasons the BK cultures jousting, bicycle-tossing, bike-bungee, alley-cat, spoke-mikado, rodeo-bike, bicycle con- and destructing and the meditation on the nature of the bicycle itself.

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